
My Christian faith is really important to me. While I do not ever push my beliefs on anyone, you will hear me talk about my faith all throughout this website. God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit are such an important part of my life and they are interwoven into everything that I do. If we were chatting over coffee, I would speak the same way! This section of the website is reserved for those that share the Christian faith or want to learn more about it. I believe that holistic healing involves a spiritual aspect/healing as well. If we want to heal, we have to do it from the inside out. So mental health, physical health, and spiritual health are all interwoven and dependent on each other. That is why I could not create a website that did not have a section for my faith. You will find encouragement here, as well as deep dives into Christianity and what it means to be a child of God. I hope you find some answers and clarity here!